Part 2 - The generic Entity, the render functions, and the map

From here on the project will be organized into modules. The following files will be added to the project:


/game/ will be a blank file as it’s only needed to define a Python package.

# /game/

Then we make an Engine class which is kept in /game/

# /game/
from __future__ import annotations

import game.entity
import game.game_map

class Engine:
    game_map: game.game_map.GameMap
    player: game.entity.Entity

from __future__ import annotations tells Python to do Postponed Evaluation of Annotations, this helps reduce issues from modules referencing each other which can happen often whenever type-hinting is being used. This will be added to all new modules.

The Engine class is missing its constructor method __init__ which will normally be defined in all other classes. It is excluded here because the objects held by Engine will need Engine to already exist for they can be created. We add the annotations for game_map and player to the class itself and we will assign these variables manually after creating an instance of Engine. game_map will be a reference to the active map. player is a reference to the object currently controlled by the player.

We have a place to put the map in Engine. We must now create GameMap at /game/

# /game/
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Set

import numpy as np

import game.engine
import game.entity

class GameMap:
    def __init__(self, engine: game.engine.Engine, width: int, height: int):
        self.engine = engine
        self.width, self.height = width, height
        self.tiles = np.zeros((width, height), dtype=np.uint8, order="F")
        self.entities: Set[game.entity.Entity] = set()

    def in_bounds(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
        """Return True if x and y are inside of the bounds of this map."""
        return 0 <= x < self.width and 0 <= y < self.height

GameMap holds a reference to the Engine, its own shape, an array of tiles, and a set of entities.

tiles is an array of integers which defaults to 0, we won’t need large numbers for this so the type is set to np.uint8. For now zero will be used for walls and 1 will be used for floors.

entities is a Python set. A type-hint must be manually given since the assignment of set() can not determinate what the set contains.

in_bounds is added here that we won’t have to copy this code every time we need to check if a coordinate is in the boundary of the map.

Next is /game/

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Tuple

import game.game_map

class Entity:
    """A generic object to represent players, enemies, items, etc."""

    def __init__(
        gamemap: game.game_map.GameMap,
        x: int,
        y: int,
        char: str,
        color: Tuple[int, int, int],
        self.gamemap = gamemap
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.char = char
        self.color = color

Entity’s hold their position and graphics. They link themselves with a GameMap, adding themselves to its entities set and strong the GameMap in itself.

Now that the map and entity data is setup we can add a way to display their data in /game/

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
import tcod

import game.game_map

tile_graphics = np.array(
        (ord("#"), (0x80, 0x80, 0x80), (0x40, 0x40, 0x40)),  # wall
        (ord("."), (0x40, 0x40, 0x40), (0x18, 0x18, 0x18)),  # floor

def render_map(console: tcod.Console, gamemap: game.game_map.GameMap) -> None:
    console.rgb[0 : gamemap.width, 0 : gamemap.height] = tile_graphics[gamemap.tiles]

    for entity in gamemap.entities:
        console.print(entity.x, entity.y, entity.char, fg=entity.color)

tile_graphics holds an array of tile graphics compatible with tcod.Console. The first index starts at zero and will be the wall graphic, the 2nd will be the floor graphic. tcod.console.rgb_graphic is an alias for np.dtype([("ch", np.intc), ("fg", "3B"), ("bg", "3B")]), and is a structured array type.

The render_map function draws the map tiles and all entities to a console.

tile_graphics holds the graphics data and gamemap.tiles holds a 2D array of indexes into that data. tile_graphics[gamemap.tiles] is a form of integer indexing and will result in a 2D array of graphics at the correct positions, which is then assigned to console.rgb. The shape of console.rgb is bigger than gamemap.tiles so it must be sliced until they both have the same shape.

The next step iterates over all the entities in the map and draws them using Console.print.

The next module is /game/ which is based loosely on Bob Nystrom’s “Is There More to Game Architecture than ECS?”.

# /game/
from __future__ import annotations

import game.entity

class Action:
    def __init__(self, entity: game.entity.Entity) -> None:
        self.entity = entity  # The object performing the action.
        self.engine = entity.gamemap.engine

    def perform(self) -> None:
        """Perform this action now.

        This method must be overridden by Action subclasses.
        raise NotImplementedError()


Action is created as an abstract class for all actions. All actions hold the entity which they act on, as well as holding onto the engine for convenience.

The perform method is called to perform the action, in the base class this raises NotImplementedError as this is supposed to be overridden buy subclasses.

We continue adding code to /game/

...  # /game/ (continued)

class Move(Action):
    def __init__(self, entity: game.entity.Entity, dx: int, dy: int):

        self.dx = dx
        self.dy = dy

    def perform(self) -> None:
        dest_x = self.entity.x + self.dx
        dest_y = self.entity.y + self.dy

        if not self.engine.game_map.in_bounds(dest_x, dest_y):
            return  # Destination is out of bounds.
        if not self.engine.game_map.tiles[dest_x, dest_y]:
            return  # Destination is blocked by a tile.

        self.entity.x, self.entity.y = dest_x, dest_y

The Move class stores the direction of movement, which can be combined with the current entity position to get its destination. Because this is in a module in a package the fully qualified name for Move is game.actions.Move, so it won’t be necessary to add the word Action to every subclass of Action.

The last new module is /game/

# /game/
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, Union

import tcod

import game.actions
import game.engine
import game.rendering

    # Arrow keys.
    tcod.event.K_UP: (0, -1),
    tcod.event.K_DOWN: (0, 1),
    tcod.event.K_LEFT: (-1, 0),
    tcod.event.K_RIGHT: (1, 0),
    tcod.event.K_HOME: (-1, -1),
    tcod.event.K_END: (-1, 1),
    tcod.event.K_PAGEUP: (1, -1),
    tcod.event.K_PAGEDOWN: (1, 1),
    # Numpad keys.
    tcod.event.K_KP_1: (-1, 1),
    tcod.event.K_KP_2: (0, 1),
    tcod.event.K_KP_3: (1, 1),
    tcod.event.K_KP_4: (-1, 0),
    tcod.event.K_KP_6: (1, 0),
    tcod.event.K_KP_7: (-1, -1),
    tcod.event.K_KP_8: (0, -1),
    tcod.event.K_KP_9: (1, -1),
    # Vi keys.
    tcod.event.K_h: (-1, 0),
    tcod.event.K_j: (0, 1),
    tcod.event.K_k: (0, -1),
    tcod.event.K_l: (1, 0),
    tcod.event.K_y: (-1, -1),
    tcod.event.K_u: (1, -1),
    tcod.event.K_b: (-1, 1),
    tcod.event.K_n: (1, 1),

ActionOrHandler = Union["game.actions.Action", "EventHandler"]
"""An event handler return value which can trigger an action or switch active handlers.

If a handler is returned then it will become the active handler for future events.
If an action is returned it will be attempted and if it's valid then
MainGameEventHandler will become the active handler.


MOVE_KEYS has been expanded to support diagonal movement and all common layouts.

ActionOrHandler is a custom Union type which is used by the following class. Types were put in quotes here since the type they refer to are not available yet.

...  # /game/ (continued)

class EventHandler(tcod.event.EventDispatch[ActionOrHandler]):
    def __init__(self, engine: game.engine.Engine) -> None:
        self.engine = engine

    def handle_events(self, event: tcod.event.Event) -> EventHandler:
        """Handle an event, perform any actions, then return the next active event handler."""
        action_or_state = self.dispatch(event)
        if isinstance(action_or_state, EventHandler):
            return action_or_state
        elif isinstance(action_or_state, game.actions.Action):
            return self.handle_action(action_or_state)
        return self

    def handle_action(self, action: game.actions.Action) -> EventHandler:
        """Handle actions returned from event methods."""
        return self

    def ev_quit(self, event: tcod.event.Quit) -> Optional[ActionOrHandler]:
        raise SystemExit(0)

    def ev_keydown(self, event: tcod.event.KeyDown) -> Optional[ActionOrHandler]:
        key = event.sym

        if key in MOVE_KEYS:
            dx, dy = MOVE_KEYS[key]
            return game.actions.Move(self.engine.player, dx=dx, dy=dy)
        elif key == tcod.event.K_ESCAPE:
            raise SystemExit(0)

        return None

    def on_render(self, console: tcod.Console) -> None:
        game.rendering.render_map(console, self.engine.game_map)

The EventHandler class inherits from tcod.event.EventDispatch. The generic type is filled with ActionOrHandler which means the event methods (ev_*) can return a subclass of either the Action or EventHandler classes.

To be clear the dispatch, ev_quit, and ev_keydown methods are from EventDispatch, while the __init__, handle_events, handle_action, and on_render are unique to the new EventHandler class.

handle_events takes an event and calls self.dispatch(event). What happens next depends on the return value. If an Action is returned then handle_action is called and will perform that action, followed by the handler returning itself as the handler to remain active. If a EventHandler was returned then that handier will become active. None can also be returned which will make the handier return itself.

Trying to close the window will trigger a call to ev_quit. We quit the game in this case.

Key events trigger ev_keydown, which will return a Move action if the key is in MOVE_KEYS or quit the game if escape is pressed. Unexpected keys will return None instead.

on_render is a custom method. When EventHandler is the active handler the map will be rendered normally.

Now that the new modules are setup / has to be modified to use them:

 #!/usr/bin/env python3
 import tcod
-    tcod.event.K_UP: (0, -1),
-    tcod.event.K_DOWN: (0, 1),
-    tcod.event.K_LEFT: (-1, 0),
-    tcod.event.K_RIGHT: (1, 0),
+import game.engine
+import game.entity
+import game.game_map
+import game.input_handlers

 def main() -> None:
     screen_width = 80
     screen_height = 50
-    player_x: int = screen_width // 2
-    player_y: int = screen_height // 2
+    map_width = 80
+    map_height = 45

     tileset = tcod.tileset.load_tilesheet("data/dejavu16x16_gs_tc.png", 32, 8, tcod.tileset.CHARMAP_TCOD)
+    engine = game.engine.Engine()
+    engine.game_map = game.game_map.GameMap(engine, map_width, map_height)
+    engine.game_map.tiles[1:-1, 1:-1] = 1
+    engine.game_map.tiles[30:33, 22] = 0
+    engine.player = game.entity.Entity(engine.game_map, screen_width // 2, screen_height // 2, "@", (255, 255, 255))
+    game.entity.Entity(engine.game_map, screen_width // 2 - 5, screen_height // 2, "@", (255, 255, 0))  # NPC
+    event_handler = game.input_handlers.EventHandler(engine)

MOVE_KEYS is no longer needed here and is removed. The player will become an entity so the player position is no longer needed.

An instance of Engine must be created since everything else uses it to keep track of the games state. We marked the class as having variables but these are not filled yet, so we must assign them now before the game loop starts.

A GameMap is created using the engine and a given size. The current rendering setup means the map size must be smaller than the window size. engine.game_map.tiles[1:-1, 1:-1] selects a view inside of the map that is one tile away from all the sides, this is basic slicing. Assigning 1 to this view hollows out the map and leaves a 1-tile border of walls. engine.game_map.tiles[30:33, 22] selects a small horizontal view which is then filled with walls.

Now the entity for the player is created in the center of the screen. What makes this the player is assigning to engine.player, otherwise there is nothing special about this entity.

An NPC is added as a test entity. The game map will keep track of this entity, so it is not assigned to any name.

Now that the engine is setup we create the EventHandler instance.

Next is the game loop:

         root_console = tcod.Console(screen_width, screen_height, order="F")
         while True:
-            root_console.print(x=player_x, y=player_y, string="@")
+            event_handler.on_render(console=root_console)

             for event in tcod.event.wait():
-                if isinstance(event, tcod.event.Quit):
-                    raise SystemExit(0)
-                if isinstance(event, tcod.event.KeyDown):
-                    if event.sym in MOVE_KEYS:
-                        delta_x, delta_y = MOVE_KEYS[event.sym]
-                        dest_x = player_x + delta_x
-                        dest_y = player_y + delta_y
-                        if 0 <= dest_x < screen_width and 0 <= dest_y < screen_height:
-                            player_x, player_y = dest_x, dest_y
+                event_handler = event_handler.handle_events(event)

The code for drawing the player is replaced with event_handler.on_render, and the event handling code is replaced with event_handler.handle_events.

Nothing else is needed, when you run you will now see a dungeon with a 1-tile border wall, a small wall in the middle, an NPC, and the player. There will be an empty black area below the dungeon space, this area will be used later for a user interface.

You can see the current progress of this code in its entirety here.

Continue to part 3.

Return to the hub.

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